ESG: Private Credit

Sienna’s DNA is to act now with purpose to protect the future. Hence, we are fully involved in the development of a sustainable world, both at the corporate and at the investment levels. Sienna’s role is to finance the real economy with a long-term vision. To do so, we have developed an ambitious CSR strategy as well as a unique responsible investment strategy. As such, we systematically focus on climate, biodiversity and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion challenges and make our best to implement real-life solutions.

of our funds subject to SFDR
of employees are ESG trained in 2023
of AuM accounted by impact funds
granted with ESG Labels
Integration Meeting Banner
ESG integration

ESG is a driver for value creation for our portfolios and it drives our approach for integrating ESG principles including in the scoring analysis and investment process.

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Climate Sky Banner

Our unwavering commitment to climate action is embedded in our core values and throughout our investment processes reflecting our belief in a sustainable and environmentally responsible future.

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Biodiversity Banner Min

Sienna believes that biodiversity will become one of the key differentiating factors of a quality sustainable offer in the future.

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Dei Crowd

We wholeheartedly believe in the principles of DE&I, which are at the core of our values and drive our commitment to a more inclusive financial landscape.
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Our path to sustainability

Signatory to PRI

Creation of the first ESG funds


First labels obtained

Greenfin label (Energy Transition Funds)


Systematic ESG integration


First impact financing operation


Launch of 2 Impact funds

Real Estate and Corporate debt with Ethifinance


2 funds Art. 9

Energy Efficiency Fund & Social Impact Fund


First carbon footprint calculation

(ex financed emissions)


M. des Roseaux* appointed Chairman of AFG’s Diversity Working Group

*Deputy Managing Partner – Sienna AM France


Commitment to SBTi


Examples of deals